Teach Your Children to be Their Own BFF (Best Friend Forever)!
There’s nothing like best friends – they can make you feel great because they see the best in you. Wouldn’t it be great if your BFF (best friend forever) was always with you! Well that can happen…when you become your own BFF! Now this might sound a little silly but please hear me out. Teaching […]
Does Your Child Have Yo-Yo Self-Esteem?
Does your child’s self-esteem rise and fall with the grades she makes? Does your child’s self-esteem rise and fall depending on who played with him at school that day? Does your child’s self-esteem crumble if he makes a mistake? If so, then your child is suffering from yo-yo self-esteem — self-esteem that rises and falls […]
Using the 7 Types of Intelligences to Help Your Kids Discover Their Gifts
Grades, “IQ” tests, and other standardized tests have caused major debates amongst parents and the education community because many believe they don’t measure the “whole child”. Although these tests might predict how a child will perform in school, they don’t predict which children will become powerful leaders, accomplished composers, unique artists, great musicians, creative […]